We are excited to take this journey with you. Let’s get you started right.
What You Can Expect
The H2C Experience
Welcome to your hike. We’ve outlined a few things you can expect on your journey with us. If you have additional questions, please let us know.
#1. Greeting
When you arrive, someone from our H2C Coaching team will greet you and welcome you to the rest of our hiking group that day.
#2. Ground Rules
Before the hike begins, we will cover the ground rules. These instructions will help keep us safe and ensure that we have a great experience.
#3. Guided Hike
Our hikes will be guided by our H2C Coaches. You can participate in the conversations and activities as you feel comfortable.
#4. Gathering To Process
After our hike, we will gather together to process our experience. During this time we may share a snack or a meal together.
What To Bring
The Essentials
We highly recommend bringing the following items on your hike. These will help keep you safe and enjoy your experience.
Hiking Boots and Socks - If you don’t have a pair of boots, you can wear a pair of closed-toe shoes that have a good grip. *No Crocs or slides.
Water - You can bring a bottle or a hydration pack. We recommend bringing at least 16oz of water with you.
Bug Spray - Bug spray helps you stay comfortable.
Sunscreen - Protecting your skin is important. Applying a little bit before you leave will help.
Great To Have
The following items are good to have on your hike, but they are not essential.
Trekking Poles - Most of our hikes are done on low-impact trails. But if you would like more stability during your hike, we recommend bringing trekking poles or a walking stick.
Hat - Having a hat helps to protect you from the sun.
First Aid — Our H2C Coaches will always have a first-aid kit available. But having extra is never a bad idea.
Snacks - If you are someone who tends to get hungry more often, we recommend bringing your favorite snacks.
Good To Have
These items are not essential for your trip. But they are great to have.
Camera - Taking pictures is a great way to remember your experience.
Survival Kit - A basic survival kit is a great investment if you decide to continue hiking.
Hammock — After our hike, you are welcome to stick around and put up a hammock. It’s a great way to rest.
Flashlight & Compass - We provide guided hikes during the day. So you may not need to bring a flashlight, but having one is always great.
Your Safety Matters
The H2C Experience
Safety is our priority. Please review the following rules to protect yourself and others around you. If you have additional questions, please let us know.
#1. Stay Alert
If you see something, please say something. We want everyone on the hike to stay alert. If you notice that you or someone else needs support during the hike, please let our coaches know as soon as possible.
#2. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is important. Hiking is a physical exercise that makes you tired and thirsty. Drink water as often as you need to. If you need to pause, let your coach know and we’ll pause with you.
#3. Stay On The Trail
Our hikes will be guided by our H2C Coaches. It is important to follow their directions. The safest way to enjoy your hike is to stay on the trails and keep up with your hiking group.
#4. Stay Connected
We want you to stay connected to the group physically, mentally, and emotionally if you can. Focusing on your needs during the hike is what this experience is all about. However, if aspects of the conversation trigger a difficult emotion it’s ok to process those as you feel comfortable.
In case of an emergency, please call 911 for medical support.