APRIL 30TH - SAY SOMETHING STRONG x HIKE 2 CONNECT™️ PROJECTCHILD/YOUTH REGISTRATION PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION Parent/Guardian Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Relationship to Youth Participant * Father Mother Aunt Uncle Grandfather Grandmother Foster Parent Guardian Sibling Other - Please type your relationship to the youth below. Other Relationship to Youth Participant If you selected 'other' for relationship to youth participant, please type your response here. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Emergency Contact * First Name Last Name Relationship to Participant * Phone * (###) ### #### YOUTH PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Is the youth participant new or returning to Hike 2 Connect™? * New Returning Youth Participant's Name * First Name Last Name WAIVER AND RELEASE H2C Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement and Authorization for Emergency Treatment or Transportation * Please read the H2C Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement and Authorization for Emergency Treatment or Transportation below this form and document your acknowledgement. I agree COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS COVID-19 Precautions * Please read this section and document your acknowledgement and understanding of the precautions and requirements. I agree QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS If you have any additional questions please use this space and someone will respond within 48 hours. Thank you! Waiver of Liability